Professional Matters

My original profession is physicist. As so many of my co-students who visited a European university during the 80's, I couldn't get a job as a phycist at this time, which is the reason why I turned to computers.

My first contact with computers was at the university already, where I visited a seminar about programming (the language I learned then was Fortran, the dominat computer language at that time when the problem was of scientifc nature). Already then I noticed that programming gave me quite some satistfaction. For my diploma about "theoretical plasma physics" I made good use of what I had learned. Since then I frequently had chances to develop smaller and bigger programs during all my professional carreer. Only computer languages did change. C, perl, awk and bash/ksh are now the tools I use to solve problems.

Since the mid 90's my focus is on IT security. I was a freelancer then, working for Articon (later Integralis), which was one of the first companies in Germany to put effort into this theme. Since then I've been faithful with this subject.

The pages linked in from the menu on the left list the projects and tasks I've done for my various employers. I do not claim the list to be comprehensive - but it may give you an idea of the plethora of things I've worked on already. Putting all these together is what makes the difference between an experienced worker and somebody fresh to the subject.

You won't find any employment certificates on my homepage. If you are interested in them, I will be pleased to send them to you by mail.